Pic of SW Huang
Song-Wen (Thomas) Huang
 Staff ML Perception Engineer

 Luminar Technologies, Inc.

 Email: songwen.huang1 at gmail dot com                                        GS RG Linkedin


Biography Publications Research Teaching


I am Song-Wen (Thomas) Huang, currently working as a Staff ML Perception Engineer at the Luminar Technologies, Inc. I have developed real-time ML lidar perception algorithms, optimized KPI metrics/runtime performance on NVIDIA auto-grade platforms, camera/lidar intrinsic and extrinsic calibration, online lidar drivers to support various lidar products (Velodyne, etc.) across multiple OS (aarch64, x86), sensor fusion localization algorithm (lidar, camera, GPS, IMU, and wheel odometry), and visual odometry.

My Ph.D. degree was received in 2018 in Electrical Engineering at University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, advised by Prof.
Dimitris A. Pados. Additionally, I received M.S. degree in 2011 and B.S. degree in 2009 both in Eleectronics Engineering at National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan, where M.S. thesis was advised by Dr. Feng-Tsun Chien.

In addition, I am the member of IEEE Communications and Signal Processing societies.


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, US, 2018.
M.S. in Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2011.
B.S. in Electronics Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, 2009.

Work Experiences

Staff ML Perception Engineer, Luminar Technologies, Inc., 2022 Aug. - present.
Sr. Software Engineer, 
Black Sesame Technologies, Inc., 2020 Mar. - 2022 Jul.
Senior Computer Vision Software Engineer, Autonomygo, Inc., 2019 Jan. - 2020 Mar.
Algorithms and Signal Processing Engineer, Velodyne Lidar, Inc., 2018 Jan. - 2018 Sept.
Research Assistant, SUNY at Buffalo, 2014 Aug. - 2017 Dec.

Teaching Assistant, SUNY at Buffalo, 2014 Aug. - 2017 Dec.
Senior Engineer, Macronix International Co., Ltd., Taiwan, 2013 Feb. - 2014 May.
Research Assistant, NCTU, 2009 Sept. - 2011 Jul.


Lidar, Perception, SLAM, Calibration, 3D Mapping, Sensor Fusion
ROS, CAN, Cyber RT, Timing Synchronization (PTP/NTP)
DSP, OFDMA, Chirp Spread Spectrum
Software-Defined Radio (SDR) 
RF and Underwater Acoustic Communications
Cognitive Radio (CR) 


Dimitris A. Pados, Stella N. Batalama, Georgios Sklivanitis, Song-Wen Huang, "Method and apparatus for high data rate long range acoustic and RF communication using chirp waveform modulation," US20210344538A1, 2021.


[2] S.-W. Huang, G. Sklivanitis, D. A. Pados, and S. N. Batalama, "Underwater Acoustic Communications Using Quasi-Orthogonal Chirps," in Proceedings of 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Oct. 2017.

[1] S.-W. Huang, Y.-W. Chan, F.-T. Chien, and Y.-C. Chung, "Efficient Resource Allocation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio networks: A Coalitional Game Approach," in IET International Communication Conference on Wireless Mobile and Computing (CCWMC), pp. 133-138, Nov. 2011.

[3] S.-W. Huang, and D. A. Pados, "Adaptive Multiuser MCDM for Underwater Acoustic Communications," arXiv: 2003.01988, Mar. 2020.

[2] S.-W. Huang, and D. A. Pados, "Multicarrier Chirp-Division Multiplexing for Wireless Communications," arXiv: 1812.09592, Dec. 2018.

[1] S.-W. Huang, and D. A. Pados, "M-ary Orthogonal Chirp Modulation for Coherent and Non-coherent Underwater Acoustic Communications," arXiv: 1803.02950, Mar. 2018.

[2] S.-W. Huang, "Multicarrier Chirp-Division Multiplexing for RF and Underwater Acoustic Communications," Doctoral Dissertation, Department of Electronical Engineering, SUNY at Buffalo, Feb. 2018.

[1] S.-W. Huang, "Coalitional Game Theoretic Power Control and Time Allocation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks," Master Thesis, Department of Electronics Engineering, NCTU, Jul. 2011.

Honors and Awards

2nd Place, Erie Hack Finals, Cleveland Water Alliance, 2017.
Teaching Assistantship, SUNY at Buffalo, 2014-2017.
Rank 11th, Undergraduate Score in the Class of EE, NCTU, 2009.


EE 202 Circuit Analysis                                                                        2014 Fall, 2015 Fall, 2017 Fall
EE 205 Signals and Systems                                                               2015 Spring
EE 383 Communication System I                                                         2016 Spring, 2017 Spring
EE 478 HDL Based Digital Design with Programmable Logic              2016 Fall

Social Activities

Technical paper reviewer for IEEE ICCE 2019, IEEE WCNC 2018, IEEE SSP 2018, BIOCAS 2018, NoF 2017.
Member of IEEE Communications, Signal Processing, and Power & Energy societies.

Senator of Taiwanese Graduate Student Association, SUNY at Buffalo, 2015- 2016.
Lecturer of Heart Chan Meditation Class, SUNY at Buffalo, 2015- 2017.
President of Chan Meditation Club, NCTU, 2008- 2009.
Director of General Affairs of Student Association of Dept. of EE, NCTU, 2007- 2008.

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Webpage updated on 01/05/2025.
CR 2025 S.-W. Huang